work with command line

add env path C:\Program Files\PostgreSQL\9.6\bin
for linux download sudo apt-get install postgresql-client

Login with cmd

# psql -U postgres -h <your IPv4> -W
postgres# \c <database name>

backup your database

WITHOUT login as above:

pg_dump dbname > outfile</br> pg_dump -U username databasename >> sqlfile.sql

pg_dump -U username -h <your IPv4> > sqlfile.sql

To dump a single table named mytab:
$ pg_dump -t mytab mydb > db.sql
without owner --no-owner --no-acl

**To dump all schemas whose names start with east or west and end in gsm, excluding any schemas whose names contain the word test:
$ pg_dump -n 'east*gsm' -n 'west*gsm' -N '*test*' mydb > db.sql **

PS: mydb should always be the end of command: download DB postgres_sh, with only schema mydb_testing, with user postgres, with server IP into file.
pg_dump -U postgres -h -n mydb_schema postgres_sh> back.sql

output schema-only
C:\tmp>pg_dump --host localhost --port 5432 --username postgres -d DATABASE --schema-only --table test1 > test.sql

output data-only
C:\tmp>pg_dump --host localhost --port 5432 --username postgres -d DATABASE --data-only --table test1 > test.sql

output all
C:\tmp>pg_dump --host localhost --port 5432 --username postgres -d DATABASE --table test1 > test.sql
C:\tmp>pg_dump --host localhost --port 5432 --username postgres -d DATABASE -t test1 > test.sql

import from dump via cmd
psql databasename < data_base_dump databasename DB must be created before you import your dump.sql
` psql -h -U postgres postgres_sh < back.sql`

import from dump via pgAdmin SQL
if you want to use your dump.sql from pgAdmin, when you dump, you need add –inserts, this way you won’t get a sql plain text file with copy table from stdin;
pg_dump -U postgres -h --inserts -n mydbschema postgres_sh> back.sql

Auth issues

The problem is still your pg_hba.conf file (/etc/postgresql/9.1/main/pg_hba.conf). This line:
local all postgres peer

Should be
local all postgres md5

Docker postgres

blog example use volume container as volume postgres docker images:

official example using volume

Use a dockerized persistant volume to store data

docker create -v /var/lib/postgresql/data --name postgres-data busybox

the path should be the same as: Dockerfile for postgres:10.2-alpine ENV PGDATA /var/lib/postgresql/data

start postgres instance

docker run --name Mypostgres -e POSTGRES_PASSWORD=postgres -d --volumes-from postgres-data postgres:10.2-alpine

expose the port to host(Linux VM in virtualbox)

docker run --name Mypostgres -p 5433:5432 -e POSTGRES_PASSWORD=postgres  -d --volumes-from postgres-data postgres:10.2-alpine

expose to psql

docker run -it --rm --link Mypostgres:postgres postgres:10.2-alpine psql -h postgres -U postgres

# or
docker run -it --link Mypostgres:postgres --rm postgres:10.2-alpine sh -c 'exec psql -h "$POSTGRES_PORT_5432_TCP_ADDR" -p "$POSTGRES_PORT_5432_TCP_PORT" -U postgres'

expose to an app

docker run --name some-app --link some-postgres:postgres -d application-that-uses-postgres

expose to pgadmin4 docker

# first install pgadmin4 docker
docker pull dpage/pgadmin4
docker run -p 80:80 \
-e "" \
-d dpage/pgadmin4

Open browser in Linux VM localhost:80 and then login with email and pass, finally add the server connection, use network interface enp0s3 IP:5433 from the Linux VM.

If your Docker host is a Linux VM by virtualbox NAT, then you want access pgadmin4 from host PC:

ssh -N -L localhost:8888:localhost:80 user@

port forward with NAT network remote_host: special loopback IP!!!</br> ssh -N -L localhost:8888:localhost:8889 user@remote_host</br> From </br>

Replace text

You want to use postgresql’s replace function:

replace(string text, from text, to text)

for instance :

# simply replace inside a string
replace( 'abcdefabcdef', 'cd', 'XX')

# text from a column in a table
UPDATE <table> SET <field> = replace(<field>, 'small', 'big')

regexp_replace function is better in controller what text to be replaced.</br>

regexp_replace(string text, pattern text, replacement text [,flags text])

regexp_replace('Thomas', '.[mN]a.', 'M')

flags i and g for case-insensitive and global matching, respectively. </br> \m and \M to match the beginning and the end of a word.</br>

SELECT regexp_replace('Cat bobcat cat cats catfish', 'cat', 'dog');
-->                    Cat bobdog cat cats catfish

SELECT regexp_replace('Cat bobcat cat cats catfish', '\mcat\M', 'dog', 'gi');
-->                    dog bobcat dog cats catfish

UPDATE <table> SET <field> = regexp_replace(<field>, '\mcat\M', 'dog', 'gi');

Query pattern match

SIMILAR TO Regular Expressions

LIKE pattern matches always cover the entire string. To match a sequence anywhere within a string, the pattern must therefore start and end with a percent sign.

the SIMILAR TO operator succeeds only if its pattern matches the entire string; this is unlike common regular expression practice, wherein the pattern can match any part of the string. Also like LIKE, SIMILAR TO uses _ and % as wildcard characters denoting any single character and any string, respectively (these are comparable to . and .* in POSIX regular expressions).

string SIMILAR TO pattern [ESCAPE escape-character]
string NOT SIMILAR TO pattern [ESCAPE escape-character]

select * from schema.table
-- where 'B1_AB_C50XYZ' like '%' || signal_name || '%';
where signal_name similar to 'B[1-4]_AB_C[0-9]+XYZ'

work with python

Connect to an existing database

import psycopg2
import os

    conn = psycopg2.connect("dbname='postgres' user='xxx' host='' port='5432' password='xxx'")
    print("I am unable to connect to the database")

# Open a cursor to perform database operations
cur = conn.cursor()

Execute a command: this creates a new table

cur.execute("""CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS schema.table
    id serial PRIMARY KEY,
    analytic_name character varying COLLATE pg_catalog."default" NOT NULL,
    analytic bytea NOT NULL,
    CONSTRAINT analytics_storage_analytic_name_key UNIQUE (analytic_name)

Pass binary to fill a query placeholders and let Psycopg perform the correct conversion (no more SQL injections!)

filename = ''
file_dir = os.path.join('temp', filename)
analytic_binary = open(file_dir, 'rb').read()
    cur.execute("INSERT INTO schema.table (analytic_name, analytic) VALUES (%s, %s) ON CONFLICT DO NOTHING", (filename, psycopg2.Binary(analytic_binary),))
except Exception as e:
    conn.rollback() # go to the normal status and ignore this transaction exception

Query the database and obtain binary as Python objects

    # cur.execute("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM common.analytics_storage;")
    cur.execute("SELECT analytic_name FROM schema.table;")
    names = cur.fetchall()
except Exception as e:

for i in names:
    cur.execute("""SELECT analytic FROM schema.table
                   WHERE analytic_name=%s""",
    analytic_binary = cur.fetchone()[0]
    des_dir = os.path.join('temp',i[0])
    open(des_dir, 'wb').write(analytic_binary)

Make the changes to the database persistent then lose communication with the database
